- Tabernacle Martin Kluson 1:53:34
- Brazen Altar: Death to Self Burt Asbill 1:42:43
- Measure the Temple Mark Jantzi 1:45:40
- Walk With God Martin Kluson 1:07:31
- Repent of Your Flesh Burt Asbill 1:48:06
- One in Christ Martin Kluson 1:11:05
- Five-Fold Ministry Martin Kluson 1:27:19
- Concept of Eternity Burt Asbill 1:37:36
- I Will Convenant With Thee Today Burt Asbill 3:03
- Pyriamid System Mark Jantzi 1:20:30
- The Concept of Holy Matrimony Burt Asbill 1:20:15
- Shepherds Are in Front Mark Jantzi 1:51:41
- Examining Yourself Burt Asbill 1:38:54
- Tribulation and Election Mark Jantzi 1:22:04
- Marriage: the Road to Unity Burt Asbill 1:23:03
- Daniel's 70th Week Tomas Brchan 1:45:48
- If You Will Open Up Your Hearts to Me Burt Asbill 3:04
- Remember: Hold Fast, Repent Burt Asbill 1:26:19
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